Indian Law Institute(ILI) was founded in 1956 primarily with the objective of promoting and conducting legal research. It has made notable contribution in the legal arena. The prime objective of the ILI is to cultivate and promote the science of law and to contribute substantially in reforming the administration of justice, so as to meet the socio-economic aspirations and needs of the people through law and its instrumentalities. The Institute has achieved the place of a premier center of national & international legal research and studies, in which the lawyers from all branches of the profession, judges, government officials and academicians have been participating.
Admission will be made in respect of the following courses for the Academic session 2024-2025.
The Indian Law Institute will be conducting Ph.D. Entrance Test for non-exempted category in offlline mode on 5th May, 2024 (Sunday) at 10.00 a.m. at Delhi. Any change in schedule, time and mode of test will be communicated through Institute's Website 'www.ili.ac.in' in advance (say a fortnight before the actual date of examination) . There will be two parts in the entrance test both parts are having subjective questions. The syllabus for the Ph.D.Entrance Test is mentioned below:
Part I | Legal Research Methodology | 50 Marks |
Five Question to be answered out of eight | ||
Part II | On core subjects: | 50 Marks |
Five questioned to be answered selecting at least one question out of each subjects in not more than 150 words from subjects : | ||
(i)Jursiprudence, (ii)Constitutional Law, (iii)IPC & (iv)Commercial Laws (Contracts, Partnership & Sale Of Goods) |
The All India Admission Test for admission to LL.M. One Year Programme to be conducted by the Indian Law Institute with the objective of Testing Aptitude for Research, Legal Reasoning and Comprehensions, and Basic Knowledge in different branches of Law. It will be held on 5th May, 2024 (Sunday) at 10.00 a.m. at Delhi.
Any changes in schedule, time, and mode of the test will be communicated through the Institute's Website 'www.ili.ac.in' well in advance (say a fortnight before the actual date of examination).
The test shall consist of three parts.
Distribution of Marks for All India Admission Test is as follows:Part- I | 40 Objective – Type Questions | 40 Marks | Will contain 40 objective type questions with multiple choices relating to English language and general knowledge. Each question shall carry one mark. There will be negative marking for incorrect answers. One by fourth (1/4) mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer (as per syllabus mentioned above). |
Part- II | 100 Objective – Type Questions | 100 Marks | Will contain 100 objective type questions with multiple choices from the following areas: Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, IPC, Public International Law, Commercial Law (Contract and Specific Relief Act, Partnership and Sale of Goods Act), Law of Torts, Law of Limitation and Environmental Law. Each question shall carry one mark. There will be negative marking for incorrect answers. One by fourth (1/4) mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer (as per syllabus mentioned above). |
Part- III | 4 Subjective – Type Questions | 40 Marks | Will contain 4 subjective type questions to be answered in not more than 250 words to test the legal writing skills of the candidate. There will be 4 questions in Part III and each question shall carry 10 marks. Subjective type questions shall be to test the legal writing skills of the candidate. The mode of paper may be converted to objective type due to prevailing Pandemic Covid-19 Situation and will be notified later |
Total | 180 Marks | ||
Note: Candidates would be shortlisted on merit on the basis of marks obtained out of 180 marks (Part I, II & III) | |||
Part- IV | Viva-voce | 20 Marks | Short listed candidates shall be called for viva-voce after declaration of result of All India Admission Test. Note: Date & Timings of viva-voce will be notified on the website : 'www.ili.ac.in'. |
Total | 200 Marks |
The Application form can be submitted only through online mode. For this, the applicant needs to visit the institute's website 'www.ili.ac.in' and can follow the link 'Admission 2024' to proceed further for filling/submitting the online application form. All the relevant instructions/information concerned to the procedure of application form is displayed on the 'Admission 2024' webpage. A Helpline contact details and email id is also put on the webpage to get online or telephonic support. For online submission of the application form, the applicant is required to pay the fee of Rs.3,000/-(Rupees three thousand)+ service charges only towards application fee through Net banking/Debit/Credit card/wallet on or before 22nd April, 2024 (Monday).
The candidates who have qualified UGC JRF are exempted from taking the admission test. The candidate has to upload the above certificate in such a case.
There shall be a written test of three hours duration for the candidates who have not qualified UGC JRF. The written test shall consist of two papers which will be conducted in offline mode on 5th May, 2024 (Sunday) at 10.00 a.m. at Delhi. Any change in schedule, time, and mode of the test will be communicated through the Institute's Website 'www.ili.ac.in' well in advance (say a fortnight before the actual date of examination). The candidate must secure 50% (45% for the reserved category) marks to qualify for the entrance test. Only qualified candidates will be called for inteview and their performance will be assessed based on Written Examination (70%) and Interview and Research Plan Presentation(30%).
The candidates of the exempted category shall be shortlisted based on their Research Plan (as per given format) submitted along with the application form. Therefore the candidates of exempted categories are advised to submit an exhaustive research plan in the given format. The research plan once submitted shall be final and no further changes shall be allowed after final submission of application.
The Application Form can be submitted only through online mode.
For Online mode application, the applicant needs to visit the institute's website 'www.ili.ac.in' and can follow the link 'Admission 2024' to proceed further for filling/submitting the online application form. All the relevant instructions/information on the procedure of filling the online application form is displayed on the 'Admission 2024' webpage. A Helpline contact details and email id is also mentioned on the webpage to get online or telephonic support.
For online submission of the application form, the applicant is required to pay the fee of Rs.2,500/-(Rupees two thousand five hundred) + service charges towards application fee through Net banking/Debit/Credit card/wallet on or before 22nd April, 2024 (Monday).
The All India Admission Test for admission to LL.M. One Year Programme to be conducted by the Indian Law Institute with the objective of Testing Aptitude for Research, Legal Reasoning and Comprehensions and Basic Knowledge in different branches of Law. It will be held on 5th May, 2024 (Sunday) at 10:00 am at Delhi and it will be of two and a half hours duration. Any change in schedule, time and mode of the test will be communicated through the Institute's Website 'www.ili.ac.in' well in advance (say a fortnight before the actual date of examination). The Shortlisted candidates will be intimated regarding the Viva-Voce at ILI, Delhi through notification on the website.
No separate communication will be issued.
The Applicant applying for Post Graduate Diploma Programmes can submit the application form only through online mode. For Online mode, the applicant needs to visit the institute's website 'www.ili.ac.in' and follow the link 'Admission 2024' to proceed further for filling/submitting the online application form. All the relevant instructions/information concerned to the procedure of application form is displayed on the 'Admission 2024' webpage. A Helpline contact details and email id is also mentioned on the webpage to get online or telephonic support.
For online submission of the application form, the applicant is required to pay the fee of Rs.2,000/-(Rupees two thousand) + service charges towards application fee through Net banking/Debit/Credit card/wallet on or before 30th June 2024 (Sunday). Admission to the Post Graduate Diploma Programmes shall be made on merit prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination as per the eligibility for individual Post Graduate Diplomas. An additional 5% weightage in marks will be given to candidates who are Law Graduates/CA/CMA/CS .
Note: PG Diploma is an offline regular programme and classes are conducted three days in a week at Indian Law Institute in the evening (6pm to 8pm).
Sr. No. | Programme | Eligibility |
1 | Ph.D. in Law | An applicant holding LL.M. Degree from a recognized university with minimum 55% marks is eligible to apply. The application form complete in all respect along with a brief Research Plan (as per given format) shall be submitted for admission. For further details regarding Ph.D. Regulations, Admission Test and Guidelines, please see the website of the ILI ('www.ili.ac.in') The candidates appearing in the qualifying examinations are also eligible to apply but their admission will be subject to production of proof of having acquired minimum prescribed qualification, at the time of admission.If the result of the qualifying examination is not declared till the date of admission, his/her admission shall be provisional. Such candidate shall give an undertaking that he/she is taking the provisional admission at his/her risk and that he/she shall submit the result of qualifying examination on or 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2024 In case the candidate fails to submit his/her final result of qualifying examination to prove his/her eligibility on or before 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2024 for any reason whatsoever, his/her admission shall be treated as cancelled. Regular classes will be held during course work period of 6 months |
2 | LL.M.-One Year Programme | LL.B. Degree (with not less than 50% marks) from any University / Institution recognized by Bar Council of India as eligible for enrolment as an advocate in India. OR A Law Degree from a foreign university with at least 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade as per Association of Indian University (AIU) guidelines. The candidates appearing in the qualifying examinations are also eligible to apply but their admission will be subject to production of proof of having acquired minimum prescribed qualification, at the time of admission. If the result of the qualifying examination is not declared till the date of admission, his/her admission shall be provisional. Such candidate shall give an undertaking that he/she is taking the provisional admission at his/her risk and that he/she shall submit the result of qualifying examination on or before 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2024 . In case the candidate fails to submit his/her final result of qualifying examination to prove his/her eligibility on or before 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2024 for any reason whatsoever, his/her admission shall be treated as cancelled. |
3 | PG Diploma Programmes | Minimum qualification for admission to the P.G. Diploma Programmes is a Graduate Degree from a recognised University. Additional 5% weightage in marks will be given to the Law Graduates/CA/CMA/CS for admission to all Post Graduate Diploma Programmes. Programmes
Regular classes will be held in the evening in the Indian Law Institute ( Any three days in a week ) from 6pm to 8pm. |
The Institute offers scholarships of Rs. 30,000/- per annum to the students admitted in ILI in order of merit of the All India Admission Test to the first two students admitted to One Year LL.M. Degree Programme. The scholarship will be awarded in two installments one at the time of admission, 2nd after the declaration of 1st Semester result. The scholarship will be given only if the student obtains GPA/CGPA of 'A' Grade or above in the university examinations and maintains the quality of research submitted by him/her during the course of study.
With a view to help the deserving meritorious needy students admitted to One Year LL.M. Degree Programme, the Institute may reimburse half of the tuition fee of the student(s) (maximum 5% of the intake) keeping in view their financial status. The decision to this effect will be of the Director after consideration of the recommendations of the committee.
Gold medals instituted for various courses shall be awarded to the deserving students at the Convocation. The Gold medal shall be awarded to the students with the highest CGPA/ marks in the course for which the gold medals are instituted. The student(s) to be eligible for the Gold Medal, must have cleared all courses in one attempt. The student(s) should not have been detained/re-admitted and no disciplinary action should have been taken against him/ her, and should have completed the programme in minimum prescribed duration. In case two or more students have scored the same CGPA/Marks, their regularity throughout the LL.M. course (average of attendance of all semesters) will be considered while awarding the gold medal i.e. gold medal will be awarded to the student having higher attendance.The decision to this effect will be of the Director after consideration of the recommendations of the committee.
Will be uploaded soon
Will be uploaded soon
There shall be a written test of three hours duration for the candidates without qualified UGC JRF. The written test shall consist of two papers which will be conducted in offline mode on 5th May, 2024 (Sunday) at 10.00 a.m. at Delhi. Any change in schedule, time, and mode of the test will be communicated through the Institute's Website 'www.ili.ac.in' or through registered e-mail id well in advance (say a fortnight before the actual date of examination) .
The syllabus for the Ph.D.Entrance Test is mentioned below:
Part I | Legal Research Methodology | 50 Marks |
Five Question to be answered out of eight | ||
Part II | On core subjects: | 50 Marks |
Five questioned to be answered selecting at least one question out of each subjects in not more than 150 words from subjects : | ||
(i)Jursiprudence, (ii)Constitutional Law, (iii)IPC & (iv)Commercial Laws (Contracts, Partnership & Sale Of Goods) |
Note: Short listed Candidates based on the admission test shall be called for presentation of their Research Plan and Interview. The candidates of exempted category shall be shortlisted based on the Research Plan submitted (as per given format) by them along with the application form. It is therefore the candidates of exempted categories are advised to submit an exhaustive research plan in given format.
The All India Admission Test for admission to LL.M. One Year Programme to be conducted by the Indian Law Institute with the objective of Testing Aptitude for Research, Legal Reasoning and Comprehensions, and Basic Knowledge in different branches of Law. It will be held on 5th May, 2024 (Sunday) at 10:00 am at Delhi and it will be of two and a half hours duration. Any Change in schedule, time, and mode of the test will be communicated through the Institute's Website 'www.ili.ac.in' or registered e-mail id well in advance (say a fortnight before the actual date of examination). The Shortlisted candidates will be intimated regarding the Viva-Voce at ILI, Delhi through notifications on the website. No other communications will be sent to shortlisted candidates. The components and weightage of marks of admission to the LL.M. (1 year) program are as under:-
Sr. No. | Component | Weightage (Max. Marks) |
1 | Objective Type | 140 |
2 | Publication / Research/ Writing Skill Subjective Paper to test the legal writing skills of the candidate (alongwith the All India Admission Test) | 40 |
3 | Viva-Voce (of the shortlisted candidates on merit on the basis of marks obtained in 1 & 2 above). Please note that the appearance in the Viva Voce is mandatory for being eligible for admission to the LLM programme. | 20 |
Total | 200 |